Free download crack CAN CLIP Renault software V193 (newest), V191, V190 and more versions depends on your need here.
1.Renault CAN CLIP V193 Crack link:
Password: 2m3cjk
Size: 2.79GB
You are at your risk!
Note: It is recommended to scan WeChat QR code to download.
O.S: Win7/8/10
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Renault CAN CLIP V193 tested link:
This software can be used on SP19-A (best quality, with Full Chip AN2135SC AN2136SC), SP19-C (good quality, with AN2131QC chip) and SP19-D (cheapest) at
The installation guide is same as V191 CAN CLIP for Renault, just refer to this video:
Tip: Please uninstall the old software version, and then you can install V193.
2.Renault CAN CLIP V191 Crack download link:
Password: n0z0jt
Size: 2.75 GB
It can be used for SP19-A, SP19-C and SP19-D.
Download Renault Can Clip Registration file:
Credits to one user of MHH forum.
3.Renault CAN Clip V190 torrent:!5ZZjQKCR!evyMfFr1NiidsWsL2JzxkqXv2dD3tq6IQPu_ERBLhag
No password
Size: 15KB
With patch and files for RLT2002.
4.Renault CAN CLIP V188 free download link:
Password: tx6al1
Size: 2.46GB
It can be used on SP19-B and SP19-D.
5.Can Clip for Renault V183 free download link:
Password: wjonep
Size: 2.13 GB
It can be used for SP19-A, SP19-C and SP19-D.
6.Renault CAN Clip V185 torrent:!dRhhgSIK!AznL5QDKgOd0qpqEGxGqPjsrmWA304DtEf0wEC0Ejww
Size: 16KB
7.Renault CAN Clip V184:
For those who have a connection problem with interface RLT2002 (ori or clone):
You must modify 2 files in version 185 (Computer >>> Disk C >>> Clip >>> Config):!VQojQQDZ!tASqH9niHDj3wQlAU0ex5IzqBOB0hXyjHJKNnLyHVXc
Size: 15KB
8.Renault CAN Clip V183 torrent:!9c5jhAqT!3d0loW6W9LVV2YjoVSPF6WHgty_kY-DSEorVAsUlGrE
Size: 14KB
9.Renault CAN Clip V182 torrent:!FN5FFAQC!Mc_YqdVmeHu7i-5fK_IIGyxKW6jFg-OCep2zDt8pYRc
Size: 14KB
10.Renault CAN Clip V181 torrent:!BVwjRKhR!smlYv9N8o89z3iCvI_KkeswBTMJN671EiiXH_opFJkM
Size: 15KB Here comes CAN CLIP for Renault V193 with Best quality of Full Chip AN2135SC AN2136SC images: