Get to know ElS27 Forscan Mac OS X

Finally, i managed to setup Forscan ElS27 on Mac OS X. Before this, i have read lots of posts and many have troubles with Forscan and Mac. Here is what i did – program stayed in memory. Hope it helps.
1) Installed xquartz and xcode from Appstore (altough you can install just xcode tools)
2) Installed homebrew from
3) Typed


brew install wine
And took long bath
4) Did symbolic link for usb serial:


ln -s /dev/tty.usbserial ~/.wine/dosdevices/com1
5) Added this to ~/.wine/system.reg:


[Hardware\\Devicemap\\Serialcomm] 1015709345

And voila! it detects ELM327 properly and I am pretty sure it will work with my vehicle (but
will check it in the morning).


PS. Attaching screenshot after today’s test – Forscan works very well!
