Where Are OBDSTAR DC706 Wiring Diagrams on Computer?

One customer gave feedback that he has handled the biggest annoyance — when it comes to using OBDSTAR DC706, no wiring diagrams on the PC.

Here we will show you the folders where the guides and images are located, so you can have diagrams on PC more easily now.

Under the DP folder:



There are 4 folders, ECU (1ECECM), TCM (1ECTCM), BODY (1ECBODY) and Bike ECM (3ECECM)

All have guide folder, pinouts and guides there. Body slightly different name folder, but it’s there.

CRE: Tony Duarte


Skype: cardiag.co.uk

WhatsApp: https://wa.me/8615002705698

Sales auto-diagnosis.org