Nissan NSN14 Key Cutting by X-horse CONDOR XC-MINI

Here is the instruction on how to do Nissan NSN14 with iKeycutter CONDOR XC-MINI Master Series Automatic Key Cutting Machine. Hope it helps you.

Device needed:
Keys (original and new);
CONDOR XC-MINI key cutting machine;
More detailed pictures about original Condor mini

Select “Cut by Bitting”.

Input key serial number: NSN14. Then click “Confirm”.

Select the key type, including Key Name and Key Maker.

Click “Key Decode”.

Click “Confirm”.

Pace the original key correctly on the CONDOR mini key machine.

Decoding the key…
Nissan NSN14 Key Cutting by X-horse CONDOR XC-MINI   -1

Finish key decoding. The bitting is displayed on the screen.
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Take down the original key and put on a new key correctly on the XC-MINI master. Pay attention to key bitting: M1.

Click “Cut” to begin key cutting.
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Finish key cutting.

Compare the original key and new key. Note:the new key will be a bit bigger than the original one.
Nissan NSN14 Key Cutting by X-horse CONDOR XC-MINI   -4
Test the new key on the Nissan cars, to confirm that the key cutting is successful.

Read more about XC-MINI CONDOR, please go to
